Friday, April 20, 2012

This is HOW I say thanks.......

 In the past, I have been blessed with many new opportunities both in business and in my personal life.  I cherish the work that I have done and currently do on a daily basis, but I often find myself getting anxious to get home and spend time with my son.  You see, he is growing up before my eyes, albeit too quickly for my tastes, but nonetheless, it is happening.  I wasn't blessed with a spoiled childhood, but I wasn't deprived either.  My parents took did what they could to provide for my sister and I and I am thankful for it.  I pride myself on trying to teach my son what it means to give thanks and show appreciation towards others.

I truly wish there were more hours in the day, because I constantly find myself wanting to do more......more for my family, more for my friends and most recently more for HOW.  That's Heroes On the Water for those of you that have never heard of it.  HOW is an non-profit organization founded by Jim Dolan in Texas and goes to great lengths to show appreciation and gratitude for the sacrifices and loyal service our military service members have made.  As a former service member myself, I know of the pains and struggles of being separated from your family and friends unexpectedly due to a deployment.  I know of the challenges faced abroad when you are sent into a foreign country in the spirit of protecting the premise of human rights.  I too know what its like to fear for one's safety during a time of conflict.

We were blessed with a mild day albeit with windy conditions, but the day was a success on many levels.  We were able to have a safe and fun outing on the water.  We were able to lead the service members to the right areas and they caught several fish.  We also succeeded in having family members of the service members on the water at the same time and getting them involved in the catching of fish as well.

Freedom Captured.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ft. Hood Heroes on The Water - First Report!

On Saturday, 14 April 2012, our first outing was held by the Ft. Hood HOW
Chapter. Although small in execution, it was huge in starting the great
things to come. We braved tremendous winds with one great American by the
name of SPC Shann Saunders.

This was not Shann's first time fishing from a kayak. Shann managed a small
bass and a big smile. We have scheduled two more outings in April and hope
to fill the four kayaks we have with participants as we are on our way to
establishing ourselves in the central Texas region.
We welcome other wounded warriors in the Ft. Hood area to  contact us if interested in participating in a future outing 

Freedom Captured.